Sunday, March 3, 2013

Calogrenant - Week 34


Gillian said...
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Paula said...

I look forward to Mondays so I can read Calogrenant, I love that first panel

Zoë said...

First, I want to thank you and express my appreciation for your bringing thoughts, ideas, and knowledge about words and literature into this story. So many new things I have become aware of.

Second, the Lady of Shallot symbolizes the struggle so many people face in their daily lives; a struggle and a fear and, yes, a curse that is all too common, I think, in the lives of people who have transitioned in some way or other.

Waterhouse's painting is certain to appear as a cover photo on my FB page.

Gillian said...

Thank you both.

Nyx Malaspina said...
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Lori Nyx said...

let me try this again...

You know I love it when you Preraphaelite all over the loch!

Gillian said...

Hee hee!!