Sunday, February 10, 2013

Calogrenant - Week 31


Paula said...

very nice, but, mmm, is that door realy in period?

Gillian said...

Well... There's very little of Myrddyn's cottage that is in period.

Gillian said...

I figure that if anyone in that age had an English sunrise in his door, it would be he.

Zoë said...

Damn! I wish I polished up that good! Wait'll she gets to King and Court! How long before she gets hit on? One can but wonder. One things for sure, it'll be a much shorter time than it's been for me.

So then. Now we know that the maiden of the castle is definitely involved—but how? Hmmmm?

We also know that she's connected in some way to Mryddyn—but how? Hmmmm?

I also suspect that Mryddyn is intimately and/or directly and/or heavily involved in this, and likely has been for quite some time—but how AND for how long? Hmmmm?

Stay tuned!

Gillian said...

Hee hee!

Gillian said...

Paula's comment did bring my attention to the fact that the door needed fixing. It is now round on top.