Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Circles Retreat

I want to put in a word for the Circles Retreat coming up next week, October 3-5, Friday 6:00 PM - Sunday 3:00 PM, at Manzanita Village. It's a trans-friendly retreat at a beautiful, trans-friendly retreat center two-and-a-half hours southeast of LA. (I've never seen the desert look more beautiful - and given SoCal's underachieving wastelands, that's saying a lot!) The retreat is facilitated by Elise Turen, Michele Benzamin-Miki, and CaitrĂ­ona Reed who, if they haven't cornered the market on empathy, insight, and profundity, at least hold a major share of it. It's three days of quiet, sharing, meditation, sister-and-brotherhood, and excellent food. Alas. I cannot attend this year, but if you can, by all means do so.

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