Sunday, December 27, 2015

This Week's Calogrenant

From the Great Deep to the Great Deep...

Calogrenant Book the First is available here:Purchase Calogrenant

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sunday, December 13, 2015

This week's Calogrenant

AND... The Chase!

And, at long last, you can purchase your copy of Calogrenant Book the First: Oh! What a Knight! by clicking on the link below!


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sunday, August 9, 2015

This Week's Calogrenant

Another Revelation! Beside the fact that we are only $300 away from reaching our Kickstarter goal. You can help by clicking the bar at the top of the page at

Sunday, August 2, 2015

This Week's Calogrenant

A vision this week at Calogrenant. And don't forget to click the link to help bring Cally into print!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

This Week's Calogrenant

The Awen is extended, and Calogrenant has reached the halfway point in the rebooted Kickstarter campaign. Click the bar at the top to help bring out Calogrenant Book the First: Oh! What a Knight!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

This Week's Calogrenant

This week's Cally is online, and we've also restarted our Kickstarter Campaign at

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Calogrenant Book the First (Reboot)

We're starting again. We're bringing Calogrenant Book the First to print! Despite so many generous pledges in April, we didn't achieve out goal. Now the campaign is up again, with a more attainable goal.. Thank you once again for your support and generosity.

Go to Kickstarter to help bring Cally to print!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Caitlyn and the Christians

This is a comment I made on a Christian blog. The last I saw of it, it was awaiting moderation, and I guess I was too immoderate. Anyway, I had to put it somewhere, so here it is with a few edits.

When looking at someone like Caitlyn Jenner (or me, for that matter), try thinking this way: God made Caitlyn the way she is – Transgender. It is a burden and a gift. We have been so regularly treated as pariahs that, until very recently, the vast majority of us have kept our authenticity hidden from the world, expecting even (and, perhaps, especially) those closest to us to detest us if the truth were known. And we have hated ourselves, especially if we buy into the societal thought that women are somehow inferior to men. 

And yet... there is The Gift -- that when we embrace this aspect of ourselves, we are allowed to see both sides of the gender divide. We open ourselves to compassion and empathy and (believe it or not) spirit.  It is the gift of insight, but though it is a gift, it comes with a very high price. There is not a one of us who has not suffered. For all of her wealth, I would not be Caitlyn Jenner. For all the adulation of the past few days, she has had to brave the most vile ridicule – and not just from folks who hate trans people; there has been much acrimony from the trans community as well. But I firmly trust that she has received the gift of insight that goes beyond who the best makeup experts are.

I know many trans people who are adamant atheists, but I know just as many who have a very strong faith. At least three are clergy. I do not find this in the least surprising. When I began to actually face this part of me, I sought to find the spiritual side to it. (I'm an English teacher. I'm always looking for the theme that runs under the main narrative.) And accepting myself as a woman has been as much a spiritual experience as it has been a physical and societal one. But a great part of that spirituality has been the fact that I can reach out more easily to others - to feel their emotions and express my own toward them. I sometimes feel like "Mom" to the world. And it feels nice. And right.

Oh, and in answer to those who bristle at the thought of tinkering with one's anatomy, an analogy: When a child is born with a cleft palate or other deformity, has God made a mistake? And should that deformity be fixed by human intervention? If an individual’s happiness and self-worth can be enhanced by human skills, is that a sin? What then if the individual’s mind – which is the true and authentic self – does not match the physicality? So many of my friends, for all the acrimony they have received and difficulties endured, are happier and function better as their true selves. Have they sinned? Isn’t that between them and God?

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Confrontation at

I'm sad to report that the Book the First startup campaign did not fund. But Cally's not defeated. Keep a look out for the next campaign - coming soon!

Sunday, April 26, 2015


The power of perception at

And only 4 more days to support Calogrenant Book the First: Oh! What a Knight!

Sunday, April 19, 2015


A glamour at!
And there are only 12 days left to the Calogrenant Book the First Kickstarter campaign!

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Disorientation at And please press the Kickstarter bar at the top of the page...

Sunday, April 5, 2015


What she fears most (and please note the link at the top of the website. Click to find out how YOU can help publish the first Calogrenant book!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Calogrenant Book the First: Oh! What a Knight!

Today is the first day of the Kickstarter Campaign to being Calogrenant into print! We've planned a 90-page, full color book with explanatory notes and other neat stuff. There are plenty of fun premiums planned, but any donation will be greatly appreciated! To donate go to...
Calogrenant Book the First: Oh! What a Knight  at Kickstarter.

Sunday, March 29, 2015




First blog entry in a long time.

How to begin…
A couple of days ago, my Assistant Principal got a look at Calogrenant. I’d come out to him last May, and he’d said he’d support me in any way he could. One more block of courage.  I told him this year that I may be transitioning on campus next fall. Again,  I had his complete support. And though the principal and my colleagues and the district don’t know it yet, I have their support as well – legally. I can do this legally. And my insurance covers it. Why, then, do I feel trepidation?  As we talked about the comic, my AP asked me how much of me is in Cally. I had to really think about that, and I answered him honestly. “About 35%.” Cally is an amalgam of many women I’ve known, both trans and cis. There is much of my daughters in her, much of many of my students as well. But one thing we both share. Her transition from Cal to Cally is a metamorphosis. And that is dicey.

Another cartoonist who does a trans comic posted a panel the other day that’s been sticking in my mind. She stated that transition is not a metamorphosis or a transformation, but simply a transition. I beg to differ. My initial reaction is that of an English teacher and writer who resents having her stock of nouns depleted, but on deeper thought, I found that my real caveat lies in that, for me and for those who know me, this transition will be a metamorphosis and a transformation, and because of that it will not be easy. (Not that anyone’s transition is a walk in the park.) 

Over the years, having taken the stance that transitioning was completely out of the question, I created a male persona that I could live with. A sweet, goofy, endearing, pedant who has been described as “everybody’s favorite uncle.” He is loved. He is cherished. He is admired. And he is very little like me. Certainly we share interests and skills, but our mannerisms, both vocal and physical, are at variance. We look nothing alike. And our behaviors in social situations are radically different. Brother and sister…  Husband and wife…  And those who know him do not want to see him obliterated. My daughters, who have no problem with my trans-ness, do not want to see this man, their father, become a memory.   I don’t want to destroy him.  And so I ponder.

This is why the words “metamorphosis” and “transformation” do apply. I may be coming into my authenticity, but in doing so, I am becoming what for many around me is a different person.  I may be a good person.  I may be loving and more demonstrative in that love.  I may be happier and more comfortable as a human being.  But for those who have known my male self for all these decades, I shall be a different person.  And all the assurance that I can give that I have become my authentic self will not change the fact that someone they knew and loved is no more.  A word is used to express what the user experiences. I may say to those who have loved me as I was, that there is no loss, no transformation, no metamorphosis, that it was only a transition, but I know they will emphatically beg to differ.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


We learn from our mistakes...

I really am going to have to write something on this blog...

Sunday, March 15, 2015


It is good to have a skill...

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Ipsa scientia potestas est.


Sunday, March 1, 2015


Speak the speech, I pray you...

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Calogrenant -- Cally and the Vortex

Cally gets a glimpse into the infinite this week in Calogrenant at

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Time and Space in this week's Calogrenant at

Sunday, February 1, 2015