Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Calogrenant Week 5

Did I mention last week that Brocéliande is populated with fairies?

Monday, August 6, 2012

We Have a Winner!

Darya Teasewell has correctly identified the parodied work of art in this week's page as Albrecht Dürer's engraving "The Knight, Death, and the Devil." Here's the original:

At 1513, this knight is a little late, but who really cares? The rendering of the armor is gorgeous and this has one of the coolest devils in art history. Calogrenant is obviously not the seasoned veteran in this engraving, but his spirit is the same - he will not be cowed by death or evil, but will be the perfect knight. Is Calogrenant an idealist? Certainly. And why not? But Calogrenant's honor and fearlessness will lead to...?

Meanwhile, Darya will receive a signed print of this week's Calogrenant page on museum quality art paper, hopefully, over lunch at some venerable Los Angeles eatery.

Calogrenant Week 4

A note on Myrddyn's comment on the geographical instability of Brocéliande... If Arthur ever existed, he would have been a Romano-British warlord in 6th century Britain, coordinating efforts to forestall an invasion by Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Frisians. Ultimately, these Anglo-Saxons won, creating what is today England and giving meaning to my job as an English teacher. Humans generally do not let go of their heroes, and the Welsh kept Arthur alive through hero tales. These tales travelled across the channel to Brittany, and Breton bards spread the stories through France. Through the early Middle Ages, the stories of Arthur and his knights were told in French courts, and the tellers went so far as to place Arthur's realm not in Britain but in Brittany. The forest of Brocéliande figures in many of these romances as a magical place, and key events in the legend take place there. And even though there is a real Brocéliande in Brittany, when the stories returned to Britain with the Normans, Brocéliande was transplanted as well. Even Tennyson, whom one would think would know his geography, places the forest in Britain.

Oh! And a prize to the first person who can tell me what work of art is directly parodied on this page.