Sunday, July 15, 2012

Calogrenant Begins

Calogrenant begins with two pages, starting next week there will be only one page per week. Simply click on the images to enlarge.

A few notes:

First I would like to thank Dr. Helen Nicholson of Cardiff University, whose excerpt from the Arthurian romance Claris et Laris served as the inspiration for this web comic. I'm pleased to say that I have Dr. Nicholson's blessing for this endeavor, and I'm very happy to have made a friend. As long as I'm thanking people, I'd also like to thank Rob Seutter, aka True Thomas, who has frequently asked my services (on the promise of numerous steak dinners) for posters for the Society of Creative Anachronisms, thus inculcating in me the delusion that I can actually draw. And I'd further like to thank Henry Mayo for his inspiration and support and for creating the Free Art School group in Facebook and Michael Gross who has been inspiring and mentoring me (unbeknownst to him) since 1972 and who recently told me a very simple but powerful truth: "You've got to draw every day." In truth I could fill several pages with the names of people who have supported and inspired me, so I will simply say, "Thank you one and all."

I hope you enjoy this story it's been rattling inside my brain, demanding to be told, and now we've made a start.

By the way, if the elderly gentleman's name seems to have been misspelled, it has not. Calogrenant is using the Welsh variant of his name. More about that in a few weeks.


  1. Verily I hath resolved to dedicate my Monday morn to Calogrenant.

    I have tried to resolve the clues in the pile of books without result. Could you cast a spell over the images to increase the resolution and resolve my dilemma?

    I have to wait a whole week for the next page!?


  2. Sorry about the resolution on the books. From top down, they are Jung, Freud, Loomis, and Campbell. The top two need no explanation. "Loomis" is Roger Sherman Loomis, probably the most authoritative Arthurian scholar of the 20th century. On the bottom, of course, is Joseph Campbell. It's my party, and I'll be as abstruse as I want to.

    I'm so happy you like it, and yes, I'm putting up only one a week. I've created enough to have something of a buffer. That will allow me to work once the school year starts.

  3. I am sooooo looking forward to Calogrenant!


  4. Calogrenant will be here for many a week to come, Peg.

  5. I too am very much looking forward to more, but then I've heard your outline of it from your own lips. I'm so looking forward to more. You're doing a great job so far love!

  6. Thank you, Sami. I've found out much more about Calogrenant in just the past few days - some this very evening!

  7. This is awesome Gillian, I certainly knew you could write, but I had no idea you were such a talented artist. I am humbled and inspired, and I can't wait for my new Monday ritual of Calogrenant!

  8. Thank you, Lana. Ooo! I'm so chuffed!
